about the artist

My work is a glimpse into the experiences and circumstances of Africans Americans throughout history. My work reveals the peculiar history and circumstances of African Americans, and addresses the lack of attempts to understand people of color. This work is created from the point of view of a young black man who grew up in Memphis, Tennessee with constant awareness of his “otherness”. Being raised in an all white neighborhood, being the only black student in class, and being followed and harassed by police only made me more aware of my race and societal limitations.

I bring my experiences and the experiences of others into this work and the work I choose to create. My goal is to not only provide a new life and audience to these stories and appropriated historical images, but also to educate and draw similarities to modern injustices. Though primarily a painter, I have expanded into photography, musical performance, installation, and the use of found objects and vintage technology.

My work holds a mirror to the ignored past of this country. My goal is for the history to be felt. From police brutality to poverty and other issues plaguing the African American community, I hope to create work that puts the viewer in that moment in time. My work allows viewers of all races to confront topics that are uncomfortable, with the goal of creating a dialog which can open minds and educate on all sides. My art is facing our own reality, our own past, and communicating that if we choose to ignore it we are doomed to repeat it.

I was the recipient of a 2016 Arts Accelerator Grant from Arts Memphis, and have performed and exhibited at the Brooks Museum, the Civil Rights Museum, MCA, AMUM and Crosstown Arts. As program director of The CLTV, over the last two years I have transitioned into curating and working in the nonprofit world, providing opportunities for other black artists and becoming a community leader in the Memphis area.