about the artist

Ever since I could hold a pencil, hammer, screwdriver, crayon, etc I have been creating works of art. I always knew what I could do, but not what I should do. I just knew I could “Create” so I dove into drawing and painting (that was the easiest and safest lol). Throughout highschool and college I painted on everything primarily apparel. I attended the University Of Memphis and graduated with a Bachelors in Finance.

I am entirely a self taught artist. I have painted murals in the city of Memphis both public and private, sold artwork to locals and local businesses. I paint live annually for the American Cancer Society’s Imagine Ball, Also painted a couch live at Ikea to commemorate a major collection that was released. I own a gallery/studio/boutique on the edge of the medical district. I host events and allow other local artists to showcase their work through art exhibits. I love experimenting with color. Trying to get the brightest color possible next to a lovely dark one. Cubism, surrealism, and abstract are my go-to painting styles. Influences include George Condo, Frank “Preacher” Boyle” (Uncle), Willem De Kooning, King Saladeen and Salvador Dali. My art represents Hope and creating what you want without judgement.