about the artist

A couple of years ago in the cold of February, pregnant with my fifth child, I passed out while driving, and landed my children and myself in a small lake near Ridge Lake Road. The car we were in almost overturned – but didn’t, and everyone escaped unhurt. Some didn’t even get wet. I felt very protected and watched over, but afterwards, I faced all the fear from the things that could have happened. A counselor suggested that I do something creative or physical to process the trauma of the event. I fell back on an old hobby – painting – and felt such a sense of healing and fulfillment from that exercise, that I painted more and more. As I continued to work, I found a deep sense of purpose and calling that led me to this as a full-time career. Now, I want to share my hope and healing with others.

One of the best things about this work is that it has allowed me to connect with so many other people in Memphis and beyond. Painting has given me a different way to communicate with people. In a way, when someone looks at my artwork, they can see all my hope for the world – hopes and dreams of a better Memphis and a better world. Through art, I’ve been able to bring beauty and hope to Methodist LeBonheur hospitals and offices, I’ve met and worked with other artists, learned about different ethnic and thought cultures in Memphis, and I’ve connected with amazing people that I wouldn’t have met otherwise.

I believe art uplifts and gives people hope. It gives people a sense of purpose and a reason to go deep in their conversations. It sparks all kinds of emotion that lead to conversation and ultimately, change. I want to remind the viewer to live in the tension of storms & sunshine - while we mourn the deep losses we each experience, we still seek hope and joy.