about the artist

Returning to art later in life, and currently pursuing her MFA at the University of Memphis, Claudia Tullos-Leonard is enthralled by nature. She is fascinated by the variety of shapes and colors and the fact that nature is constantly changing. What attracts her initially may be a beautiful flower, but then she finds herself pulled into the surrounding space by a decaying leaf, a spent seed pod or a new bud. These contrasts captivate her.

Tullos-Leonard's work depicts transformations in the Southern garden and landscape. A variety of factors including specific features, shapes, color variations, or contrasts in lights and darks can influence her decision to paint a particular image. However, once engaged in the painting process, she pays as much attention to the deepest space or what is under the surface of the water as she does to a brilliantly lit leaf or a translucent bloom. The initial attraction gives way to the process of looking intently and painting the colors, shapes, light patterns, complexities, and abstractions that she finds.

Website: lrossgallery.com/artists/claudia-tullos-leonard/
