about the artist

I made it a goal to take the skills I had inherited from my father and express myself by any means. With that came opportunities to create moving film and photography, digging deep into my imagination and displaying the world that I see through the lens. I have been blessed to be a part of a moving force that allows me to create, whether it be through my voice, writing and in visual art. Photography has been my main tour de force from a very young age thanks to a father who had a love of Gordon Parks’ work and the vision as such.
To inherit the talent of my father has been an honor, and to be able to display my work in Memphis in the last few years has been an experience.

The work I have created has been in dedication to those ancestors that are a part of the emotion of the compositions I’ve created. One recent pic, Brunch With The Ancestors, displays as such...It’s not just masks and a woman: you are looking at 200 years in one pic, from the model’s dressing representing the Harlem Renaissance, the cup representing the class and status, and the masks behind her representing the ancestors that watch over her and remind her where she came from and who she still is. The same goes with Royal-T, as this was taken and untouched: there is a full royal purple that drapes over the artist as she sings with full force and tone. CouldaBeen is an emotional piece as it gives rage and sadness through the different
red tones as the model is only embraced in her sadness through the roots of her mane.