City of Memphis | UrbanArt Commission

Hollywood + Vollintine | Wall of Wisdom

Budget: $30,000 (included three finalist honoraria of $500 each) Completed February 2025


The wall of wisdom mural sits within the boundaries of Valentine Cove and North Hollywood Street. The mural sits at the entrance of Palmershire Park,  a neighborhood of 350 homes and has made continuous great strides In beautifying the neighborhood. By applying for grants, fundraising, and collaborating with churches in the area To promote Gardens as community outreach. The mural also is within walking distance from Springdale Elementary which holds a special place in history. Known as the home of the Memphis 13, Springdale Elementary played a role in breaking barriers by being one of the first schools in the bluff to desegregate.13 Black first-grade children made history in what was then the Memphis City Public School System, and Springdale Elementary was one of the schools that welcomed members of the 13 back in 1961. This rich history and love of the area by residents, gave the artist inspiration to create the mural known as the “wall of wisdom”.


UAC and The City of Memphis, in partnership with the Palmershire Park representative and residents expressed interest in enhancements that:

  • lift up the neighborhood as a whole and support a sense of community

  • include skillfully done lettering 

  • transform this blank canvas into a “wall of wisdom” that teaches and encourages

  • inspire higher levels of thinking and give new insights

  • represent the faces of those who live in the neighborhood

  • incorporate bright colors and bold positive images/words

  • portray the neighborhood’s sense of doing for self

  • encompass inspirational quotes



This wall is located near Springdale Elementary, a school that is rich with history in the Memphis area. Springdale is known as one of the first four schools in the City of Memphis to integrate in the early 60’s.  The location of this wall is also a high traffic area with high visibility for commuters. The wall transitions from a high peak to a lower end creating directional movement for those who pass by it on the daily.

About The Artists:

  • Reanna is a Memphis artist who received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Memphis. Each piece of art tells a story influenced by her own  personal experiences, pop-culture, and media. She uses bright colors and plays upon wit and humor to mirror her playful personality. Reanna’s work is process driven, and she uses her intuition as a guide.  Find her on Instagram at

  • Hi I'm Kendrick, a Memphis native who loves to create. Starting off as a hobby art became a part of my identity. It helped bring me closer to who I am as a person and I would love to continue to share my art with the whole world. You can find him on instagram here:

We thought the phrase “ Plant your dreams and let them grow” was a good fit because we wanted people within the community to know that despite whatever circumstance they may be in, whatever struggle they may be dealing with their dreams can become reality. We want them to know if you put thoughts into action that great things can come from it. No matter how old they may be or what’s in the way it is not impossible to accomplish one's dreams.


Mr. Samuel Ballard – Resident & President of Palmershire ParkNeighborhood Association

Mrs. Coronda Ewing – Hollywood + Vollintine resident

Mrs. Donavon Scott – Springdale Elementary Art Teacher

Tony Hawkins – Visual artist

Joy Touliatos – Deputy Director for Public Works

Kate Haywood – Architect Daily Design Group

Michael Swindle – City of Memphis Engineering Division (non-voting)


Total project budget is $30,000, including artist honoraria - up to three finalists will receive a $ 500 honorarium for a site-specific proposal - and consulting fees. Design budget $7,125; Fabrication budget $21,375 all-inclusive.

For more information about this project, please contact:

Travis Washington | Program Manager| 901.221.4077 |