The opening reception of "Between Heaven and Earth, We Build Our Home" took place on Saturday, May 25!

This exhibition, the first of its kind in UAC’s midtown headquarters, features AAPI artists from Memphis and the South, exploring themes of ancestry, immigration, and homemaking.

Highlights from the Opening:

- The MengCheng 梦城团 Collective (Thandi Cai, LiLi Nacht, Neena Wang, Yidan Zeng) captivating the audience with a special performance titled “Rituals for Recollection.”- Our gallery space displaying Southern AAPI artists’ works
- Curator and Artist Neena Wang poses in front of “The Curse of the Pyramid” and their grandmother, Huifu Ma’s painting, “Doves and Peonies.”
- Flyers designed by Thandi Cai
- Neena holds a traditional bamboo calligraphy rush during the performance
- Attendees observe and discuss the art after the performance
- Artist Sharon Havelka explains her textile work, “Oh” (peep the elusive UAC PM Travis in the background)
- UAC’s gallery filled with attendees engaging in thought-provoking conversations about the artworks
- Light refreshments and great company adding to the warm and welcoming atmosphere
- A group photo of first-generation Asian-American parents and community leaders

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our artists and this meaningful exhibition. If you missed the opening, don’t worry! The exhibit is open to the public Tue-Thur from 12-5pm until July 6.

Special thanks to AAPI Heritage Month Memphis, the MengCheng Collective, the Chinese Historical Society of Memphis and the Midsouth, and Google for supporting this event.

Event media coverage was provided by MemphisFlyer & Daily Memphian.